Code of Ethics
- Values
- Trust
- Credibility
- Respect for the Individual
- Open and Honest Communication
LSB fosters an internal culture and working relationship with clients where these values are promoted and reinforced on a daily basis. Integrity is our chief asset. We are impartial and avoid conflicts of interest that, in fact or appearance, may create an incentive to report anything other than true and accurate facts. We are committed to respecting human rights and work to identify, prevent, mitigate and report impacts on human rights wherever we operate. We are experienced and professional and treat others with respect and dignity.

LSB welcomes submission of grievances through our email or by contacting our hotline at +91 (120) 3112892. Each grievance will be afforded proper review, investigation, communication and closure.
To download the full text of the Lock, Stock & Barrel’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, click here.